am i a Alien Cat? Think again!



The Eternal Legacy

These divine Miu are not simple art objects, but witnesses of an ancient spirituality that continues to live and inspire.

Whether defending the family, giving wise counsel, or carrying sacred messages, each "Miu" plays a crucial role in the preservation and perpetuation of the spiritual and cultural legacy of this unique dynasty.

This sacred dynasty, steeped in mystery and ancient power, finds its origins in Bastet, the solar progenitor, divine mother, and eternal symbol of protection and harmony. From her radiant spirit are born the two pillars of the lineage: her son Ank, prince and heir to the throne, and her daughter Sekhmet, the fierce warrior and loyal ally of her mother in the eternal battle against the forces of evil. Together, they embody a sacred balance of strength, wisdom, and protection, united in preserving cosmic order. 

But their legacy does not end here. This is only the beginning. The dynasty is destined to grow, its influence expanding through time and beyond the stars. Would you like to be part of this celestial family? 

Pre-order your Miu today.

Origins and Inspiration

A Journey Through History and Spirit.

The sculpture of the Miu represents much more than simple figures;

It is a profound reflection on the roots of Egyptian spirituality, art and culture. The project was born from the desire to connect with ancient wisdom, rediscovering and reinterpreting the myth of the sacred cat, so present in the tradition of ancient Egypt. Each "Miu" is part of a sacred dynasty, bearer of a spiritual and symbolic legacy that has its roots in myth and legend.

The name "Miu" originates from an ancient Egyptian legend narrated in the "Book of the Dead". According to this legend, the one who defeated evil emerged from a pool of water in the form of a cat and, uttering the sound "Miu," became known as such. This sound, which recalls the meow of cats, was associated with sacred power and divine protection.

The cat in ancient Egypt was not just a domestic animal, but a symbol of divine power, representative of the goddess Bastet, protector of the hearth and family, and a defender against evil forces.

Each "Miu" sculpture was created with the intention of embodying a fragment of this ancient spirituality, representing figures that are both divine and earthly, mystical and tangible.

Raku painting


Japanese Technique

The Miu Dynasty

The "Miu" dynasty is not just a collection of sculptures, but a living and vibrant expression of a history that has its roots in antiquity. Each "Miu" is a guardian of the past and a beacon for the future, embodying the eternal values of protection, wisdom and justice.

Is made up of figures who, despite being linked by a family and spiritual bond, each possess a unique and fundamental role.These figures embody different aspects of protection, wisdom and justice, expressions of universal values that transcend time and space.

  1. Bastet **Matriarch and Mother Goddess** Bastet is the origin of everything, the mother of all "Miu". Like the Egyptian goddess from whom she takes her name, Bastet is the protector of the home, fertility and hearth. She is the nurturing and creative force of the dynasty, the one who gives life and protects her family with divine love and power.
  2. Ankh-Miu **Prince and Heir to the Throne** - Ankh-Miu is the first born of Bastet, destined to inherit the leadership of the dynasty. His name, which means "life", symbolizes his role as continuer of the dynastic line, the one who guarantees the immortality of the family and guards its most sacredsecrets. Ankh-Miu represents hope and eternal life.
  3. Sekhmet-Miu **The Warrior** - Sekhmet-Miu is the daughter of Bastet who embodies strength and courage. Like the goddess Sekhmet, she is an invincible warrior, fierce protector of the dynasty against all threats. His mission is to defend the family, ensuring that peace and order reign among all "Miu".

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